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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Parshas Shmeini

(The Segulah of Learning Zera Shimshon)

Aharon is commanded to bring a calf as to atone for the Egel Hazahav. We know that "a prosecutor cannot become a defender" (eg. the Kohen Gadol doesn't wear gold on Yom Kippur as to not "remind" Hashem k'vyachol about the Golden Calf). Why then is Aharon HaKohen commanded to bring an egel, a calf as a korbon?

The Zera Shimshon explains that the fact that Aharon is asked to bring a calf is proof that he didn't do anything wrong. Cheit HaEgel was not his fault. This is, in fact, why Aharon is ordered to bring a calf to show everyone that the involvement he had with the egel had nothing to do with worshipping it, and the cheit was not on his hands.

Aharon HaKohen was commanded to bring a calf, while the rest of Bnei Yisroel was commanded to bring an olah to atone for their sins.

Source: Zera Shimshon Parshas Shmeini

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