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Thursday, June 14, 2018

Parshas Korach

(The Segulah of Learning Zera Shimshon)

In this week's parsha we learn about Machlokes Korach, and the Torah tells us "Lo yeheyeh k'Korach v'adaso kasher dibear Hashem b'yad Moshe lo." "Do not be like Korach and his congregation, as Hashem spoke regarding him through the hands of Moshe.

The Zera Shimshon quotes the Reish Lakish who says, "We learn from here that it is forbidden to involve oneself in an argument." Rav said "Anyone who chooses to involve himself in an argument is guilty of the negative transgression of 'Do not be like Korach and his congregation'."

Rav Ashi takes this further and says that anyone who involves himself in an argument deserves to be stricken with tzaraas. What's the connection? We see that tzaraas befalls one who speaks lashon hara, but how does it connect to machlokes?

Each person is created in the image of G-d and has part of the Shechinah within him. When someone speaks badly about someone it is as if he insulted the piece of the Shechinah in him. Similarly, someone who willingly involves himself in a machlokes and brings shame to others besmirches their tzelem Elokim (piece of G-d). Machlokes is similar to lashon hara in that they both cause someone to lose their tzelem Elokim.

Source: Zera Shimshon Parshas Korach

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