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Friday, December 22, 2017

Parshas Vayigash

(The Segulah of Learning Zera Shimshon)

Yosef says to his brothers "Ani Yosef, haod aveinu chai?" The pasuk tells us that the brothers could not answer.

What was Yosef really asking? He already asked them about their father on their previous trip; he knew their father was alive.

The Zera Shimshon suggests that Yosef was asking about if his father was alive, because he knew that Yaakov Avinu had ruach hakodesh and would have known if Yosef was alive and where he was.

Yosef did not know that the shevatim had created a pact when they sold him to not tell what happened to him. They had included Hashem in this pact and thereby k'vyachol prevented Hashem from revealing the truth about Yosef to Yaakov.

Yosef was asking if Yaakov still posessed ruach hakodesh.

Chazal explain that when the pasuk (Bereishis 45:27) says "And their father Yaakov came alive," it means that ruach hakodesh returned to him.

The brothers were silent and did not answer Yosef, because they were ashamed about the pact they made that involved Hashem, the reason why ruach hakodesh was taken away from Yaakov.

Source: Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayigash

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