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Friday, November 17, 2017

Parshas Toldos

(The Segulah of Learning Zera Shimshon)

Yaakov Aveinu brings his father Yitzchak a meal, and Yitzchak Aveinu wonders how he was able to bring him the food so quickly. Yaakov responds by saying "Ki hikrah Hashem Elokecha lifanei," "Because Hashem your G-d arranged it for me."

The Zera Shimshon asks why Yaakov doesn't just say "Hashem helped me," why the lashon of "Hashem your G-d arranged it"?

He answers that he was saying that a neis had occurred that he was able to find and prepare this meal so quickly. Yaakov was afraid that Yitzchak would not want to partake from the food if it was indeed a miracle, because the Gemara in Taanis (24a) tells us that it's forbidden to benefit from miracles. The "Your G-d" part comes to add that for someone like you, Yitzchak, there is nothing to worry about regarding partaking from something that is a neis.

The worry is that if someone benefits from a miracle, it takes away from his Olam Haba. Yitzchak was blind and confined to the house, and it is said that his yetzer hara had been removed from him. Therefore, it was like he was already in the World to Come, and he did not have to worry about benefitting from a miracle taking away from his Olam Haba.

"Hashem your G-d prepared it for me." One cannot do a thing in this world without Hashem's expressed desire. 

Source: Zera Shimshon Parshas Toldos

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