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The End (of the Beginning)

For my blog this may be the end, but as for me, it is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. It is simply the end of the begi...

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Get A Clue...Here Are Some For Free

A lull in the conversation, well actually, that would indicate there was a conversation going on. A random attempt at conversation, "So, what do you do when you aren't working?"

I have many hobbies and so the list was long. When I shared that I write, the next question that followed was, "What do you write?"

"I'm working on a book, and I blog."

"You missed the boat on that one, didn't you? People don't really do that anymore."

Excuse me?

Haha. I guess people don't really do this anymore. I guess this is passe. And yes, I know that blogging was quite a bit more popular some years ago. But so what? I'm not blogging to be part of the crowd. Really, what was the point of that comment?

I feel like dating lessons should be mandatory for some people.

The same way that you should always offer a drink to your date, you should actually get out of the car when you pick her up. (Especially when it's a first date and you're parked down the block and she doesn't know what your car, or you, look like.) It's not carpool.

Don't insult her/him. That doesn't make him/her like you better.

Don't say that what s/he's saying is k'fira just because you don't agree.

Don't tell her/him you're not flexible and that you never change your mind. That's not attractive. Compromise and trying to see things from another's perspective is essential for marriage.

Don't bang to get someone's attention (especially since you probably already have it).

All basic. Why do I even have to spell these out?


  1. Here's another one –– don't text your date that he needs to learn derech eretz after he told the shadchan after a second date that he didn't want to go out again. He doesn't owe you an explanation.

