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Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Do Looks Matter?

When it comes to looks, I'm pretty picky. I have fairly high standards for "handsome." That being said, I won't dump someone or not go out with him because he doesn't reach the bar. It's a given that you have to be physically attracted to the person that you marry. However, I'm a firm believer in if someone has a good personality, you like his internal, his looks have the potential to grow on you.

Perhaps this works for me because (I'd like to think that) I'm not superficial. I will usually give someone a chance even if his looks aren't what I would have picked. Because of that, unless there's a particular reason, I don't like seeing guys' pictures before a date. There's so much more to a person then just their physical outward appearance. I'd rather get to know someone as a person. With just the 2 dimensional image, I'm more likely to nix him before giving it a shot. I also remind myself that looks fade. The person inside is a lot more important, because that's the person you're stuck with even after he loses his hair and his metabolism slows down.

It's happened to me plenty of times, I've dated people who were, by no one's terms, "ugly," but I just really didn't care for their looks. With one guy in particular, we hit it off right away, and although his looks bothered me for awhile, I was able to look past it, and soon I thought he was really cute looking.

It's changed my outlook a little. Instead of being disappointed when meeting a blind date, I remind myself that if I end up liking the guy, I'll probably think he's cute after awhile.

Obviously if someone's looks bother you even after you get to know him, that's a different story. If you're not physically attracted to him, that's an issue. But, I do believe that external ends up reflecting internal.

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