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Monday, September 25, 2017

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Someone who I went to high school with, and with whom I haven't spoken to in months and months, texted me:

"Hi SPDR, I just wanted to know what you're looking for."

A few minutes later, "I hope you had a good Rosh Hashana."

Only slightly annoyed at her phraseology and method, I politely replied.

"Hi! You mean in terms of a guy? This is what I tell people..."

"Okay, would you go out with a long-term learner?"

I tried to ignore the expression she used. I tried to ignore that fact that she was asking me about one characteristic when there's so much more to the person, I hope. I just answered her question, very clearly and concisely.


"Oh well," she replied.

"Just thought it would be a good idea in terms of personality, etc., but he's a long term learner."

To which I replied that I doubt we would be on the same page in terms of hashkafos, broadmindedness, worldliness, etc."

"But he's openminded. That's why I thought of you."

Trying to be open, I questioned in what ways he's openminded and what his background is, etc., but that I would likely not go out with someone only learning at this point, especially someone who plans to stay in kollel indefinitely. She didn't answer. A little while later she got back to me.

"Okay...well, I mentioned to him that you would date someone working and he said he's not interested then."

Ummm, why does she not listen what I have to say about this, but whatever he says goes? I mean, that was exactly the point, wasn't it? Does she think I'm so desperate that even if I tell her flat out "no," that I would not agree to go out with someone wanting to learn forever, I would consider it? I was never looking to marry a guy who wanted to learn l'olmei ad, even when I was super bright-eyed and bushy-tailed straight out of seminary wanting to scrimp and save to support a family in kollel forever. 

Honestly, I feel like it's disrespectful. I know she's just trying to be helpful, but her way about it rubs me the wrong way. If I tell you that that's not what I want, why are you belaboring the point? Why is it only good enough when the guy says that he doesn't want someone who doesn't want someone learning? Was there a reason why you asked me what I'm looking for or was that a formality?

Maybe only ask questions if you really are going to listen to the answer.


  1. arrgh!....even if I try to rationalize that they probably mean well, this kind of thing really irks me!

    1. Yup. And postscript, this person actually got back to me later and said, "Well I don't really know working guys, but I'll keep you in mind." Later she followed up with, "And I'll let you know if this guy changes his mind."

      Sometimes I wonder if I'm the crazy one.

      Like today when someone asked me if I could send her my younger sister (by four years)'s shidduch resume. Really?

