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For my blog this may be the end, but as for me, it is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. It is simply the end of the begi...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Driving With the Top Down

The world looks different from behind a half windshield –– the wind barely shielded, balmy air causing my long hair to dance merrily around me; the wind whispers as it rushes by, softly caressing my face. The sound is louder, the colors brighter.

There's a thrill to being awake, wanting to feel, really being in every moment of life.

We often shut ourselves off to our feelings, our reality, because it's too painful. We don't want to feel. Going through the motions, isolating emotionally, daily grind, feeling numb. Is this genuinely living? And, will this ever really change?

No matter what the challenge is at hand, there will undoubtedly always be something. We're not put in the world as finished products, and in order to grow, we need to be challenged. Does anything grow in the dessert where there is continuous sun? Look how lush rainforests are! There's a peirush on the beginning of Shir HaShirim that talks about how during Bayis Shleishi Hashem will praise us as we simultaneously praise Him. There has never been such a concept up until this point in history, because we praise G-d when things are good for us. He praises us when we're working and growing. That doesn't happen when things are good.

We all cope differently with hardship. While some people escape and withdraw, others stay and fight. Either way, it's a battle. Because we're busy fighting, sometimes we lose sight of the scenery and hyper-focus on the battlefield. Every so often it's important to take a minute and smell the roses.

You don't need to be behind the wheel of a convertible to see life differently, just take off those everyday glasses through which you see the world and rub off some of their grime. That might take a different location, a change of pace, some time alone without distractions, or a simple modification in perspective/attitude.

It's easy for things to get dulled when we don't use them. Don't let every day be the same. Try living life in color.

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