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The End (of the Beginning)

For my blog this may be the end, but as for me, it is not the end, it is not even the beginning of the end. It is simply the end of the begi...

Thursday, November 24, 2016


It's so easy to get caught up in the negatives in life. We often focus on what we don't have, because that's easier and provides us with a false sense of control. However, if we would be able to look outside of our pain and feeling of lackingness, we could concentrate on what we have. In fact, paying attention to all that we do have helps us rise above pain and lack, because we then recognize that despite missing something we really want, we have so much else.

Making a list of all the things we're thankful for is a humbling exercise. Just starting from all the abilities we have that are G-d-given, like hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, feeling, breathing, etc., to the things G-d has put into play in our world, like color and tasty foods, beautiful landscapes, to the ability to learn, to forget, resilience, compassion...the list is endless.

Hakaras hatov is super important. It not only is a nice practice and makes the person you are thanking feel good, but it changes who you are. It's the recognition that you are not an entity onto yourself, and that G-d gives us so many things that we may not deserve. It's validation and recognition. It's important not only towards G-d, but the people in our lives too.

We may not always recognize what people have done for us (and we already talked about how important it is to give proper hakaras hatov to a shadchan), but it's a positive practice to regardlessly constantly be gracious and effusive with our praise and acknowledgement. It costs nothing, yet it's so valuable.

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