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Sunday, November 13, 2016

What Type of Dater Are You?

The Romantic -- You fiercely believe in love in its finest form and impress these feelings onto your relationships. It may result in scaring someone off, falling for the wrong person, and/or attempting to turn your life into a movie. Or, may result in some of the best, most inspiring, deepest relationships.

Romantics' types include, but are not limited to, ENFJs and ENFPs.

The Adventurer -- You seek out a life partner primarily for life's adventures, and you don't feel the need for overly romantic gestures, saccharine phrases, or deep discussions about life. May result in minimizing serious emotions and the like in favor of "just seeing where things go." Or, may result in a fun, spontaneous relationship that keeps both parties excited and satisfied.

Typically ESFPs, ESTPs.

The Serial Monogamist -- It's most uncomfortable for you to be alone. Feelings of love and romance are not virtually as strong as the Romantic's, but you have an intense need to be with someone at every stage. May result in jumping into a relationship without having gotten over another one first, settling for someone for as not to be alone, and not taking the time to figure out who you are on your own. Or, may result in powerful commitment that can help a commitment-phobe give love a real shot.

Typically ENTJs, INTPs.

The Drifter -- You generally seek solitude and freedom from "being tied down." May result in missed opportunities and treating others poorly (as you're not really that into connecting like they may be). Or, may result in a high level of self- awareness and confidence in relationships that you do choose to stay in. 

Typically INTJs, ENTPs, ISTPs.

The Cynic -- You refuse to buy into anything the movies, your friends, or your lovey-dovey grandmother has told you about love and romance. You primarily believe that most relationships are doomed and try to protect yourself when you find yourself in them. May result in holding back from expressing your feelings, mostly expecting things to go wrong, and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Or, may result in amazing loyalty once you do let someone in because you do this so infrequently and take it very seriously.

Typically INFJs, ISFJs, ISFPs.

The Loyalist -- Your greatest strength when it comes to love is your devotion. You're not as idealistic as the Romantic, but you probably will fall much more deeply when it happens. May result in getting stuck in the past, overlooking a partner's flaws, and, honestly, allowing yourself to get walked all over. Or, may result in special capacity to forgive and let things go, lending space to heal and create a super strong bond.

Typically ISTJs, ESTJs.

The Dreamer -- You view romance and relationships as the ultimate act of self-fulfillment, seeking constant change and growth. May result in a perpetual desire to define and improve relationships and lose faith when relationships doesn't turn out exactly as you imagined. Or, may result in incredibly deep romantic connections and emotional bonds. 

Typically INFPs, ESFJs.

Obviously, life experience plays a large part in molding your Dater persona. For this reason, you may find that you exhibit a combination of these characteristics and can't define yourself by one type. Also, your personality type may not place you in a category here, as your Myers-Briggs traits aren't typically expressed. And of course, you may not have bought into pop culture, and so you don't not have any of these above notions about love and romance.


  1. Nice post. This must have taken a lot of time and effort. Its cool to see how different people and personality types view romance and dating.

